Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Atkins overtakes Dukan!

Well I've stuck to it for a month and I do not know how I've coped.  The Dukan Diet is fairly practical to do I would think if you live on your own and don't work.  If you live with others and have a family and work aswell you would be well pushed to stick to it unless you have only have a small amount to loose.

Let me explain by giving a few examples!  I am mean't to be on this cruise phase for 193 days eating one day low fat protein and the next day low fat protein and veggies.  No alcohol and after the way I've been feeling no energy!  Sitting down for a Sunday lunch with the family Mum has chicken and no veggies, is this a good message to send to our children?........ At work!   A vegetarian office, imagine the looks when digging in to a pile of meat ok I could have low fat cottage cheese and salad but NO dressing!

I have done Atkins before and I really enjoyed it.  I think the main thing is that as long as you factor it into your carbohydrate daily count you can have most things after the initial 14 days.  But even this supposedly austere phase seems like an amazing plethora of goodies.  Cheese, whipping cream, olive oil, bacon and eggs and vegetables!!!! Yippee vegetables!!!!

I have been utilising some of the Dukan principles mainly the oat bran gallettes ... but with a twist!  one egg, 2 tablespoons of whipping cream and 2 tablespoons of oatbran.  As fas as I can work out these are virtually carb less on Akins and they taste 1000% better.

The other thing I couldn't get my head around is, how on earth do you get into a state of ketosis (burning body fat) when you are not taking any fat in.  As far as Atkins is concerned this just doesn't happen unless you do eat good forms of fat.  Anyway I now feel as though I'm not missing out on anything, I feel full and I have enough energy to exercise which is nice after a month of feeling utterly wiped!  I also have no worries about having no alcohol as I know I can have a glass in 2 weeks and I also don't feel as if every pleasure has been wiped of the earth!!!!

I'm hopeful now that I will be able to progress so I'll keep you posted.  I would like to note that I have lost a bit on the Dukan Diet but not as much as I would have expected. Need to go now Alistair the baby is trashing the house!!!

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